Sprinkle Guard Prototypes

A customer recently came to us with a significant challenge: finding an effective solution to protect sprinkler heads and lines from potential forklift damage in a busy warehouse environment. 💡 They communicated three innovative ideas to us—we took those concepts and transformed them into three distinct prototypes.

After careful evaluation, their customer enthusiastically loved the second prototype, prompting us to make a few necessary tweaks to enhance its functionality. Following this refinement process, we finally had a winning design! 🎯

Our dedicated team rolled up their sleeves and got to work—cutting, bending, welding, and applying a durable powder-coating in a bright safety yellow finish. Soon, over 300 units will be carefully packed and shipped out, all right on schedule!

From concept to delivery, we make ideas happen. If you can think it, we can build it! 💪🔩 Call us today!

In the pictures below you will see all of the prototypes we actually made: